warm fuzzies

Gamers can be amazing when they try. Not everyone in MMOs is just another edgelord. “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Also check out Massively Uplifting for more feel-good stories from our genre!

Hopefully this leads to better things.

The Wagadu Chronicles has released its Dungeons & Dragons 5E-compatible tabletop rulebook

You may or may not feel that The Wagadu Chronicles as it currently exists in its playable state is delivering on its premise. We're...

Astroneer challenges players to plant 10M in-game trees in order to save real trees (and wildlife)

Planting trees is always a good thing, whether it's in the real world or in the sci-fi survivalbox Astroneer, but now those two benefits...

Diablo IV runs a charity promotion that sends millions of maggots to feed recovering birds

We appreciate that the idea of maggots paired with our "warm fuzzies" tag might seem at odds, but there's a really good reason why...

MMOARG Orna celebrates Earth Day with Terra’s Day event

While other MMOARG companies might be disappointing us with this year's handling of Earth Day events, Orna's Northern Forge is giving us a great reminder of...
Well, at least he's not a lalafell.

Final Fantasy XIV highlights Fruity Snacks, a player who is all about fishing

There's more to Final Fantasy XIV than just emotionally charged fights against birds with depression, and there's more to the behind-the-scenes elements of the...

City of Heroes Homecoming unveils huge community-driven base building initiative

If you've been enjoying our tours of our favorite City of Heroes supergroup bases and portal hubs on the officially licensed Homecoming servers, then...

World of Warships adds the historical USS Wisconsin – and funds the restoration of the real deal

World of Warships is bringing an absolute unit of a ship to bear with its April patch. Update 13.3 arrived a few days ago...

Guild Wars 2 players can now ‘game, grow, and touch grass’ with officially licensed… plant seeds

There is a lot of plant life growing all over the world of Guild Wars 2 - and some of it even isn't trying...

Stop Killing Games is a modern games preservation initiative prompted by The Crew’s cynical sunset

The words "game preservation" are holy words here on MOP and in the MMORPG genre beyond, as few gaming communities understand the pain of...

For Science: EVE Online’s Project Discovery initiative opens signups for mobile testing

At EVE Fanfest last fall, CCP Games announced that its latest Project Discovery push would essentially set EVE Online players to training AI in...

Final Fantasy XIV confirms the most important element of its Final Fantasy XVI crossover

From the moment that Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida revealed that he had finally made peace with Final Fantasy XVI producer...

Super Mario Maker community races to beat every level before the servers close

Right now there's a race on that's drawing ever more attention -- and it may come down to the wire. For the past six years,...

Skull and Bones enables flag PvP system, extends season one, and kicks off charity event

Ubisoft's Skull and Bones has launched its 1.3 patch, with PvP and seasonal changes aplenty: In fact, the game has extended season one by...

Black Desert shares eight years of memories and moments in a snuggly video package

"Let's reflect on the journey we have taken," suggests a new video from Black Desert, which aims to keep the MMORPG's eight year anniversary...

Genshin Impact collabs with Discovery Channel to raise awareness about natural habitats

It's important to appreciate nature now and again, and even more important to protect it considering the forces that are in the world today....

Massively Uplifting: Dragon Con and The Game Awards demonstrate the rise of awareness, accessibility, and inclusion

It is not uncommon to spend the beginning of a year reflecting back on the old while looking forward to the new. That's something...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends dropped a massive player city upgrade (with roads!) for Valentine’s Day

Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends is the home of the event we called the most cursed Valentine's Day event in MMOs as...

DC Universe Online is giving away sweet hairstyles for Black History Month

Valentine's Day and lunar new year events are flying in MMOs this week, but Daybreak's DC Universe Online studio, Dimensional Ink, has recognized yet...

Star Citizen player-run Daymar Rally sees hundreds of players and teams compete over the weekend

It's not a huge stretch to claim that much of Star Citizen's current in-game racing content would be possible without the effort of the...
Tell me more, tell me more, but you don't have to brag.

Final Fantasy XIV player aims to complete every sidequest to relay which ones are worth doing

If you've played Final Fantasy XIV for any length of time, you've probably heard the advice that the standard sidequests are totally OK to...