jukebox heroes

Jukebox Heroes is Justin Olivetti’s mad project to review all the MMO music in existence, one soundtrack at a time. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Jukebox Heroes: A yuletide soundtrack for a gaming holiday

The winter night hushed to a halt to allow the wind to whisper. "Take heart, my friends," she crooned over snow-capped hills and frozen...

Jukebox Heroes: Six great EverQuest II expansion tunes

When's the last time you stepped back and realized just how big and expansive some of your MMORPGs have become over the decades of...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of LOTRO’s Before the Shadow soundtrack

Ever since taking over the reins of Lord of the Rings Online's soundtrack, Composer Bill Champagne has grown in leaps and bounds in his...

Jukebox Heroes: Looting plenty of MMO holiday music to cheer your soul

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from us here at Jukebox Heroes! Well, it's me and the pizza delivery guy that I trapped in the...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of WoW Dragonflight’s soundtrack

It's been a good while since I've done a Jukebox Heroes, mostly for the reason that I took most of the year off from...

Perfect Ten: 10 Final Fantasy XIV musical tracks that absolutely slap

Everyone knows that people who play Final Fantasy XIV will not shut up about the game's music. This includes me. I will not shut...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Elder Scrolls Online’s Blackwood score

While last year's Blackwood expansion to Elder Scrolls Online will be remembered most for its companion system than its fairly drab zone or half-hearted...

Jukebox Heroes: Six great remastered EverQuest tunes

Apropos of nothing, today I wanted to dive into my extensive backlog of unlistened MMORPG music and make a bit of a dent. One...

Interview: Talking Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons’ soundtrack with lead composer Maclaine Diemer

Maclaine Diemer is the long-time lead composer for Guild Wars 2, with soundtrack credits going as far back as the very first Living World...

Jukebox Heroes: Highlights from Lost Ark’s soundtrack

It's been a shameful while since I last delivered a Jukebox Heroes column to you, but what better occasion is there for a revival...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO holiday music

Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a festive Life Day to you all! As you hopefully enjoy some down time with family, friends, and video...

Jukebox Heroes: Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga soundtrack

It's been far, far too long since I've dipped into Guild Wars 2's soundtrack. I feel deeply shamed for this neglect, especially considering how...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of DK Online’s soundtrack

I don't have much familiarity with DK Online, although I doubt that you do too. But that's not going to stop me from swimming...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Genshin Impact’s soundtrack

Genshin Impact isn't just a game that's easy on the eyes -- it's marvelous to the ears as well. Massively OP's Chris has taken...

Jukebox Heroes: Secret World Legends’ soundtrack

As a video game music collector and lover, I am frustrated by how very few MMO soundtracks ever make it to a proper release....

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Wurm Online’s original soundtrack

When is a soundtrack not quite a normal soundtrack? When it's Wurm Online, of course. This cult sandbox has one of the most unusual...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Dream of Magic Online’s soundtrack

One of the smaller resolutions that I'm striving to accomplish in 2021 is to attempt to pump out a new Jukebox Heroes column every...
Probably more friendly than Dragon's Catma.

Jukebox Heroes: The best of Dragon’s Dogma Online’s soundtrack

While Dragon's Dogma Online left barely an impact during its short run in the west, it hasn't completely disappeared from all memory as long...

Jukebox Heroes: Christmas MMO music to loot by!

One of the many reasons that I love Christmas is that it's like everyone gives everyone else permission to just... stop for a day....

Jukebox Heroes: Diving into Shadowlands’ soundtrack

Any year that we get a new World of Warcraft expansion soundtrack is always a great reason to rejoice. Blizzard never skimps on its...