hyperspace beacon

Hyperspace Beacon is a Star Wars: The Old Republic column by Larry Everett. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s strange and fascinating journey through 2023

There's a shot right at the end of Empire Strikes Back that's always struck me as the most profound in the entire franchise. The...

Hyperspace Beacon: Have Star Wars The Old Republic’s visuals aged well?

Initially I wanted to write a column about how the transition of Star Wars: The Old Republic to Broadsword and how we're seeing its...

Hyperspace Beacon: What can SWTOR do to reassure a shaken fanbase?

In my column last week, I gave my honest reaction to Star Wars: The Old Republic's ongoing move from BioWare to Broadsword. If you...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR’s move to Broadsword has brought me back to the game

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a special game to me. Like many of you, I've poured hundreds of hours into BioWare's expansive MMO...

The Soapbox: SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith is bad, but not for the reasons you’ve heard

I've never been a big Star Wars fan, but I am a big BioWare fan, and after many failed attempts to get into the...

Hyperspace Beacon: A measured response to SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith backlash

So Star Wars: The Old Republic fans are exploding on the internet about the franchise's latest expansion, Legacy of the Sith. As a player...

Interview: Star Wars The Old Republic devs on Legacy of the Sith’s December 14 launch

"This is the start of a year’s celebration," Star Wars: The Old Republic Project Director Keith Kanneg said just before showing the press the...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s Charles Boyd on BioWare, newbie acquisition, economy, and beyond

So it’s been two years since I wrote a piece on Star Wars: The Old Republic. I’m sorry. You’ll have to tell me what...

Hyperspace Beacon: How SWTOR added two Onslaught stories (but wrote only one)

Star Wars: The Old Republic prides itself on being a game with choices that matter. Fundamentally, one of the biggest choices a player can...

Hyperspace Beacon: First impressions of SWTOR’s Onslaught and Update 6.0

Like all other Star Wars: The Old Republic fans, I have been waiting for another expansion from BioWare for too long. Of course, the...

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR prepared for the Onslaught?

Welcome back to the Hyperspace Beacon. I have taken a much-needed break over this summer to come back to the first expansion that Star...

Hyperspace Beacon: Thoughts on SWTOR’s Dantooine Incursion update

Tuesday, Star Wars: The Old Republic released a new event update called the Dantooine Incursion. I played through the questlines on the PTS, then...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes satisfies that Star Wars fix, but there’s a catch

For the last few weeks, my other job has either taken away my game time or just sucked the energy out of me so...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR takes us to Dantooine for the fifth time in a video game

My very first memory of Dantooine was surprisingly its first real appearance in a video game at all. Star Wars Galaxies imagined Dantooine as...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why we’re excited about the SWTOR Onslaught announcement

Before the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina, millions of voices were crying out in terror: "We are never going to get any...

Hyperspace Beacon: I can’t believe I forgot these things about Star Wars Galaxies

For the last couple of weeks, I've been able to re-experience Star Wars Galaxies. After eight years, I noticed that I might have forgotten...

Hyperspace Beacon: This is the toughest choice in Star Wars Galaxies Legends

I'm Larry, and I'm an altoholic. (Pauses for everyone to say "Hi, Larry.") The toughest part of any game for me is which class...

Hyperspace Beacon: Which Star Wars Galaxies emulator should I try first?

As a longtime Star Wars fan and former Star Wars Galaxies player, I've known there were plenty of emulators out there ripe for playing...

Hyperspace Beacon: The tale of Ood Bnar and his place in SWTOR

If you've not watched the "Choose My Alignment" livestreams that MJ and I have been doing over the last couple of years, then you've...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s year-end report card for 2018

Every year, I place Star Wars: The Old Republic on a scale and weigh it against the Bartle Taxonomy, giving the different aspects letter...